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White Sage 4” Smudge Bundle

White Sage 4” Smudge Bundle

Regular price $5.00 USD
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White sage is regarded as a sacred plant by the Chumash people. Smudge sticks of this sage are burned as a way to cleanse and purify an area, though it is also possible to achieve this by anointing a white candle with sage oil and burning it, or sprinkling ground sage leaves in the corners or around the perimeter of a room. Many witches from European traditions save the ashes from burning sage (either white sage or common sage) to add to recipes for black salt, which is used for cleansing and protection.

If you need something to help you banish negative energy and cleanse your space, white sage is a powerful way to do it. The leaves smolder well on their own so you do not need to place them on top of charcoal. Cleanse your home or sacred space using by lighting a white sage leaf or the tip of a smudge stick, and placing it in a fireproof vessel. Carry this clockwise around the area you wish to cleanse, fanning the smoke with a feather so it touches every corner, paying close attention to closets and dark areas. Make sure you end the smudging session at an open front door - letting all that negative energy out of your house.

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