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Each pair is handcrafted with precision and Italian Mastery, charged with Goddess Magick and Shipped within 6-15 days
St. Marta, also known as Santa Martha Dominadora ( the Dominatrix) , is a patron saint of housewives, serviceworkers, and hospitality. However, many people pray to her when they need help taking charge of a difficult situation or person.Although any person of any faith can pray to St. Marta, she is especially prominent in the Hoodoo religion. Many swear by her ability to assist in control of challenging situations or people without causing any harm.Some people choose to pray to Marta the Dominator in order to ask her to help intercede in a situation where a boss is especially cruel or demeaning to his or her employees. Though some people want to consult with Marta to ensure wealth, it should be noted that she does not intercede in cases where extreme wealth is sought, though she has been credited with helping people get enough to get by in temporary difficult situations.Because Marta is a woman, many people assume that she will not work to dominate women. Although it's been said that Marta prefers women, she allegedly does not discriminate and can wield her power over any woman, especially if this particular woman is not caring in motherhood.