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The Goddess of Flame

Baron Samedi Spiritual Offering Spell Candle

Baron Samedi Spiritual Offering Spell Candle

Regular price $15.00 USD
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The Baron Samedi Spiritual Offering Magic Candle is a powerful tool for anyone seeking to connect with the voodoo spirit of Baron Samedi. Handmade with high-quality ingredients, this candle is perfect for use in rituals and other spiritual practices. With its powerful scent and spiritual properties, it can help you elevate your consciousness and tap into the energy of the spirit world. Whether you are seeking guidance, protection, or inspiration, the Baron Samedi Spiritual Offering Magic Candle is a must-have for any spiritual practitioner.


Additionally, he is the Loa of sex and resurrection, and in the latter capacity, he is often called upon for healing by those near or approaching death, as it is only Baron who can accept an individual into the realm of the dead.



Baron Samedi (also known as Baron Saturday, Baron Samdi, Bawon Samedi, Samedi, and/or Bawon Sanmdi) is one of the Loa of Haitian Voodoo religion. Samedi is a Loa of the dead, along with Baron's numerous other incarnations Baron Cimetière, Baron La Croix, and Baron Kriminel. Baron Samedi is often a chaotic spirit and greatly enjoys smoking, drinking and interacting with people but he is also morbid by very nature and often when possessing others he will lay down on the ground and expects ritualists to perform ceremonies similar to those they would in funerals, despite all this he is generally happy among hosts and can even be difficult to convince to leave as he will often wish to stay for "one more drink".

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